
In July 2024, I ended a year and a half sabbatical from economically productive work. Before that, I co-founded and led engineering for Levels. The time off was incredibly valuable, and I learned a lot about myself. In some ways, the time went fast. In others, so much happened.

Predominantly, I spent my time chasing curiosity. I spent hundreds of hours in the pottery studio working in an entirely new domain for me. I traveled a bit, and met with many new and old friends. I wrote here and elsewhere. I read a lot. I went on my first meditation retreat. I did deep emotional work, much of which still continues. I helped several companies with people and engineering issues.

After about a year, I missed being on a quest, yet wasn't quite sure what it would be. I experimented starting a new company, and never built enough conviction that it was the right thing for me. I started a nonfiction book, still in progress.

Now, I'm working on a new early-stage startup, applying ML to a particularly unsexy industry. Nothing yet to share, but expect more soon.

My /now last updated October 16, 2024. What is a now page?

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