In February 2023, I am beginning a sabbatical away from work. Nearly four years ago, along with a few other wonderful people, I co-founded Levels, a startup that helps people improve their metabolic health. During that time, I led our engineering team. Levels is doing wonderfully, and I'm deeply grateful for my time working with such intelligent and driven people on a meaningful mission.
I'm not sure what's next for me, but this will be my first longer-than-a-week break in my career, and I'm looking forward to the quiet. My goal is to use this period to reflect on what I want next, do a lot of meditation, and spend time outdoors.
Things I'm excited to do:
- Make beautiful pottery, pushing myself technically
- Long hikes and rides in the Colorado wilderness
- Reading from the ~50 books on my backlog
- Watch Awakening from the Meaning Crisis again, and develop a matching ecology of meaning-making practices
With some intermittent time offline, if you'd like to meet or catch up, please reach out.
My /now last updated February 16, 2023. What is a now page?